The following conditions apply to all visitors to Mandai Wildlife Reserve (“MWR"), which includes both the public park areas (“Public Areas”) and the ticketed park areas (“Ticketed Areas”) of Bird Paradise, Night Safari, River Wonders and Singapore Zoo (the said Areas collectively, the “Parks”).

Visitors to the Parks shall comply with these conditions for their own safety and enjoyment and that of others.

Do not attempt to approach, feed, touch, tease or do any act to cause disturbance, annoyance, or injury to any wildlife or our animals. Maintain a safe distance and appreciate them from afar.

Any contact with our animals in the Parks for official, entertainment, education, photography, or other authorised purposes shall be provided by or under the supervision of MWG.

Keep our Parks smoke-free.

Flash photography or flashlights are prohibited to prevent disturbance or annoyance to our animals and other visitors.

Usage of the above items is prohibited in our Parks. Cyclists must park at designated bike parking areas and enjoy our Parks on foot.

Littering is prohibited by law. Please dispose all litter in the bins provided in our Parks.

Pets and service animals are permitted in the Public Areas, but not in the Ticketed Areas. Please keep all pets and service animals leashed, clean up after them and dispose of all waste in a hygienic manner. All dog breeds specified under the Animals and Birds (Licensing and Control of Cats and Dogs) Rules must be muzzled.

Please do not pluck, stomp, or damage any plants or climb any trees.

Please do not release or introduce any animals or plants into our Parks as they may harm our animals or eco-system.

The above recreational activities are prohibited to ensure visitor safety and comfort.

Flying of any model aircrafts (including drones), remote-controlled aerial cameras, or other similar devices in our Parks is not allowed, for visitor safety and protection of our environment.

All forms of open fire, including BBQs and lit candles, are prohibited.

The above recreational activities are prohibited to ensure visitor safety and protection of our environment.

Balloons are not permitted in the Ticketed Areas, in the event of disturbance or annoyance to the animals resulting from a balloon bursting.

Due to safety reasons, visitors with strollers/prams and/or PMAs should use the lifts instead of escalators when moving around in our Parks.

Keep to designated or marked walking paths, or trails in our Parks.

Prior approval is required for any commercial filming and photography. Please fill up the Filming Request Form and we will get back to you within 10 working days.

Park Operations
  1. The Parks shall be open to the public at such days and hours as prescribed by Mandai Park Holdings Pte Ltd and/or its related corporations (“MWG”) and exhibited on notice boards affixed in the Parks or on its respective websites, and other collaterals.
  2. MWG may, in its sole and absolute discretion, vary the operation hours of the Parks or close any Public Areas or Ticketed Areas, whether wholly or in part, without prior notice or reason. 
  3. MWG shall not be liable for any delays or cancellation or closure of the Parks or any presentations, animal appearances, restaurants, exhibits, features, or walking paths in or at any part of the Parks resulting from acts or occurrences beyond its control including without limitation to acts of God, regulations, or any governmental authority, war or national emergency, accident, fire, strikes, disturbance or industrial disputes, or outbreak of diseases.
Conduct in the Parks
  1. Undesirable use/conduct — Do not use the Parks for any noisy, dangerous, illegal, or immoral purpose nor do or suffer to be done in the Parks or any part thereof anything that may be or become a nuisance or annoyance, or cause damage or injury to MWG (including injury to MWG's reputation), the other occupiers or users of the Parks.
  2. Not to introduce dangerous things — Do not bring into or place or store in the Parks anything which is or may become flammable or dangerous, nor carry out any hazardous operations, or other act which might cause the insurance of the Park to be vitiated or the premiums to be increased.
  3. Advertisements and signs — Do not affix or display on any part of the Parks, any name, sign, notice, poster, banner, or advertisements except with the prior written consent of MWG.
  4. Not to sell, exhibit, promote, or distribute — Do not sell, exhibit, promote, or distribute any article or thing except with prior written consent of MWG.
  5. Not to take photographs or recordings for commercial purposes — Do not take or cause to be taken photographs or sketching or video/film recordings or reproductions thereof in any form of the Parks or any part thereof and/or any of the animals in the Parks for any commercial or business purposes except with prior written consent of MWG.
  6. If MWG is of the opinion that any visitor and/or a visitor's group is
    1. behaving in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger or upset to any other person (including directors, officers, employees, agents or contractors of MWG) or damage to property, or
    2. could be disruptive or is/are suffering from a contagious disease,
    MWG will be entitled to terminate the visitor's and/or a visitor's group's visit to the Parks with immediate effect without refund or compensation. The visitor and/or any and/or all members of the visitor's group will not be allowed to proceed with any rides and/or activities in the Parks and/or will be required to leave the Parks immediately and MWG will have no further responsibility to the visitor and/or a visitor's group. No refund or compensation will be made including for any costs or expenses arising from the termination, cancellation or curtailment of rides and/or activities. The visitor will be responsible for making full payment for any damage or loss caused by the visitor or any visitor who is under the visitor's care, control, and/or custody, if applicable.
Indemnity and Waiver of Liability
  1. By entering the Parks, you agree to assume all risks in respect of loss, damage and/or injury to your property/person (or anyone else whom you may be responsible for) and be liable for any cost/expense incurred arising out of such loss, damage and/or injury.
  2. Save to the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless MWG and/or MWG’s directors, officers, employees, agents or contractors of MWG entities (the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against all claims, demands, actions, judgments, damages, losses, costs, expenses, penalties and liabilities of any nature which MWG and/or the Indemnified Parties may suffer or incur for any death, injury, accidents, loss, or damage caused by any negligence, act or omission in connection with or arising from your entry into and/or the use of the Parks (including your participation or engagement in the rides and/or activities in the Parks and your usage of MWG’s rental equipment and/or vehicles) and/or your non-compliance with any of these conditions.
  3. You acknowledge and agree that MWG and/or the Indemnified Parties shall not be liable (to the extent permitted by law) for any death, injury, accident, loss, damage, or inconvenience howsoever caused to or sustained by you and/or any visitors to the Parks. Notwithstanding that our Mandai staff may be patrolling the Parks, please note that you are responsible for your and your child’s/ward’s safety at all times. Please use care and caution. MWG shall not be liable to you where the cause of the failure in or curtailment of your enjoyment of the Parks is either attributable to you or any other visitor or is due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of MWG and/or that of the Indemnified Parties. MWG may at its discretion, provide medical or other form of assistance on a goodwill basis. In no event shall the provision of such assistance amount to or be construed as an admission of liability by MWG of the death, injury, accident, loss, damage, or inconvenience sustained.
  4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in these conditions, MWG shall not in any circumstances be liable to you for any loss or anticipated loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of use, loss of contract or other opportunity (whether direct, indirect or consequential) nor for any consequential, incidental or indirect loss or damage of any kind whatsoever.
  5. For claims not involving personal injury, death or illness, any liability which MWG may incur for the negligent acts and/or omissions shall be limited in total to a maximum of the price which you paid to MWG for your admission ticket, attraction ticket and/or package (e.g. meal packages or tour packages), whichever is applicable.
  6. Compliance by us MWG or MWG’s contractor with any applicable regulatory requirements will be proper performance of MWG’s and MWG’s obligations. You must show that reasonable skill and care has not been used if you wish to make any claim against MWG.
  7. The offering of products and/or provision of services to you by independent third-party service providers in the Parks are between you and the third-party service provider. These independent service providers work directly for you when offering their products and/or performing their services. MWG is not responsible for the independent service providers’ performance, acts or omissions or any products offered and/or services provided by them and shall not be liable for them in anyway whatsoever.
Admission to Ticketed Areas
  1. Visitors will enter the Ticketed Areas via designated entrances during operation hours, with purchase of admission tickets as is required, unless otherwise determined by MWG.
  2. MWG may, in its sole and absolute discretion, levy charges for admission to the Ticketed Areas and for use of its car parks.
  3. MWG may, in its absolute discretion, vary the admission, car park, and other applicable charges without prior notice.
  4. MWG shall be entitled to refuse sale of admission tickets or admission to any person with ticket, or demand any visitor to leave the Parks for whatever reason it deems fit. In such circumstance, MWG may (without prejudice to its other rights) refund the cost of the valid admission ticket to the paying visitor without incurring any further liability. If the visitor holds a complimentary ticket or invalid ticket (i.e., ticket which has been altered, tampered, defaced or bought through fraudulent or unauthorised resale transactions), no refund will be made.
  5. The terms and conditions to MWG's park tickets may be found at Park Tickets Terms & Conditions.
  1. Intellectual property rights — The names, graphics, logos and/or marks of MWG are trademarks and intellectual property rights owned by MWG and no use, copy, distribution, public display, or creation of any derivative work thereof is permitted.
  2. Protection of Personal Data — We take the protection of your personal data seriously. Please note that by
    1. entering the Parks,
    2. purchasing from us online and in-store and/or
    3. engaging with us in any manner on our website,
    your personal data is collected, used and/or disclosed in accordance with our Personal Data Protection Policy.
  3. Photography and Videography Notice — By entering the Parks, all visitors acknowledge that they may be, and are deemed to have given their consent to be, photographed, filmed, videoed or otherwise captured in image form, by MWG or any of its authorised representatives, for marketing and publicity purposes in print, electronic and social media.
  4. Severability — In the event that any term or condition herein shall for any reason be determined by any court or tribunal to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, then the remaining term or condition or part thereof shall not be affected, impaired or invalidated, and shall remain in full force and effect, and shall continue to be binding upon the parties hereto.
  5. No waiver — MWG's consent to or waiver of any default by the visitor of its obligations is only effective if it is in writing in respect to such default. Mere knowledge or consent by conduct (expressed or implied) of MWG of such default will not be implied or treated as a waiver.
  6. Variation — MWG reserves the right to amend these conditions at its sole and absolute discretion without prior notice.
  7. Governing law and jurisdiction — These conditions of use shall be governed and construed in accordance with laws of the Republic of Singapore and the courts of Singapore will have exclusive jurisdiction in any case of dispute.
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