Payment is successful

Confirmation has been sent to

Complete membership profile

Please prepare the following:

  • Personal details of all registering members (e.g. Name, Date of Birth)
  • A photo that shows all registering members’ faces.
  • Only one (1) group photo of all registered members is required for a family membership
  • Must not include any non-registered members
  • Members’ faces must be fully visible
  • No sunglasses, mask or headgears allowed. (headgears worn in accordance with religious or racial customs are acceptable but should not hide facial features).
  • JPEG format
  • At least 310px X 335px (portrait layout)
Please wait while we are processing your membership. You may continue to complete your profile when the ‘Proceed’ button appears.

Membership purchase details

Order ID

Package Selected


Transaction time

Payment Method

Amount paid
