Multi-coloured with a long tail ending in two racquets, this dashing crow-sized bird can be found across a broad swathe of lowland forests.
This species has the most vibrant plumage of all flamingo species.
The Andean cock-of-the-rock belongs to the cotinga family of colourful fruit-eating forest birds.
The Bali myna is almost entirely white with long head plumes and black wing-tips. Endemic to Bali where it formerly ranged across the north-west third of the island, the species was never very widely distributed.
As one of the world's highest-flying birds, the bar-headed goose has reached a record altitude of over 7,000m. It migrates over the Himalayas, flying from Mongolia to India to escape the harsh winters.
Black-faced spoonbills are the rarest spoonbills and the only species of spoonbill to be classed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
The black-winged mynas' melodious song, along with their lively temperament and striking plumage make them highly-prized in the cage bird trade.
These birds forage in flocks of 40 or more, looking through leaf litter on the ground, or flitting from one leafy branch to another in bushes and trees, gleaning for insects.
Whittled down by habitat loss, trapping for the pet trade and persecution as crop pests, there are only 1,500 to 7,000 mature blue-winged macaws left in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
This bizarre bird inhabits the evergreen lowland rainforests of South America where it forages for fruits and large insects in the canopy.
In spite of their bright colours, macaws are camouflaged in the forest canopy as they blend in with the colourful fruits and flowers they feed on. The chestnut-fronted macaw is found throughout Central and South America.
Emus belong to a family of flightless birds called ratites, which also include ostriches, rheas, cassowaries and kiwis.
Living in small flocks in the Amazon rainforest, this parakeet is often seen foraging for fruits and flowers.
Gentoo Penguins is the world’s fastest underwater bird, swimming at speeds of up to 36km/h!
The golden-shouldered parrot nests in conical termite mounds. Dubbed the ‘antbed parrot’, it excavates its nest during the wet season when the mound is rain softened.
Great Argus are amongst the largest pheasants, related to the peafowls.
This shy bird not easily observed among the forest foliage except when small groups gather and call in chorus, sometimes for several minutes.
The largest and heaviest leafbird, this bird has a powerful, hooked bill that it uses to pierce mid-sized fruits with a tough covering.
Hailing from the forests of Central America, the great green macaw is Critically Endangered with only 500 to 1,000 mature individuals surviving in the wild.
This species is threatened by habitat destruction, especially the felling of old-growth trees required for nesting.
This parrot loves company. Hundreds of them gather to roost communally in a few trees, socialising in animated chatters before spending the night together.
Among the 350 odd parrot species worldwide, grey parrots are best able to mimic human speech.
The Humboldt penguin is a medium-sized black-and-white penguin.
The hyacinth macaw stands out as the largest of all parrots at 1 m long, attractively cloaked in cobalt blue feathers.
The King Penguin stands at a height of 1 metre. It is the second tallest penguin, after the Emperor Penguin, which is 1.3m tall.
The cackle of the laughing kookaburra is an iconic sound of the dry eucalypt forests of eastern Australia at dawn and dusk.
Out of six flamingo species, the lesser flamingo is the smallest and most numerous with around three million individuals.
Being seedeaters, cockatoos have large beaks with which seeds can be dehusked efficiently.
Natives call the masked lapwing the ‘spear-carrying bird’ due to the sharp yellow spurs on its wings.
The military macaw’s curious name is inspired by the green hue of its feathers, similar to the colour of military uniforms. Ranging from Mexico to Argentina, it makes a throaty roar that carries for long distances.
The Milky Stork is classified as endangered, facing significant threats primarily from habitat loss and degradation due to human activities.
Like other parrots, the northern red-shouldered macaw moves around in flocks, seeking out seeds, fruits, and flowers. These gregarious birds are also known to raid crops and rice fields.
Rockhopper penguins are so named because of their ability to hop over rocks and boulders, sometimes reaching heights of up to 1.8m.
Hornbills usually pair for life but for both Stumpy and her current partner, it is love at second sight. Stumpy was one of a pair previously released to the wild. The pair were often seen flying together but one day the male disappeared.
The palm cockatoo is the world’s largest cockatoo. Its distinctive cheek patch of bare skin flushes from pink to bright red when the bird is alarmed or excited.
The Papuan hornbill is the only hornbill in New Guinea. Called ‘Kokomo’ in local Tok Pisin language, it is a show stealer. In flight, its wings give off a very loud whooshing sound.
With its one-metre height, the Philippine eagle is the tallest of eagles. It tips the scales at a maximum of eight kilogrammes, which makes it one of the largest eagles in the world.
This cotinga showcases sexual dimorphism where the sexes take on different looks. The male has handsome burgundy feathers coloured by carotenoid pigments while the female is ashy grey.
The rainbow lorikeet is distributed across its range in eastern Indonesia, New Guinea, northern and eastern Australia and the western Pacific Islands.
Widespread in Central and South America, the red-and-green macaw resembles the better-known scarlet macaw except that it has green instead of yellow wing coverts.
The red-bellied macaw of South America eats Mauritia palm fruits almost exclusively, expertly peeling away the scaly husk with its hooked bill, muscular tongue and dexterous toes.
Hailing from South America, this cardinal forages on the ground for seeds, fruits, and insects. It is kept as a pet on account of its good looks and melodious song.
The only family of birds that is entirely endemic to sub-Saharan Africa, the turacos are known for their punk ‘hairdos’. The feathers around their head do not have barbules, which gives a glossy appearance to their raised crest.
The critically endangered red-fronted macaw is only found in the Andean valleys of three rivers in Bolivia, with about 272 mature individuals in the wild.
Cockatoos are large parrots, known for their long life spans that range from 40 to 70 years. They differ from other parrots in that they have a head crest and no blue or green feathers. Black cockatoos are found only in Australia.
Named for its unique spoon-shaped bill, the roseate spoonbill has attractive pink plumage and a defined carmine wing patch. The bare green skin on its head takes on a yellowish hue during the breeding season.
A relative of toucans and aracaris, the smallish saffron toucanet occupies the Atlantic Forests of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.
Cockatoos have distinctive head crests which are normally kept folded back on the top of the head when relaxed. These are raised as a sign of agitation or curiosity, and to signal threat or romantic intentions.
This bird is observed to perch on low branches and roost in trees. It comes to the ground to forage for food and this is when it is most vulnerable to the introduced rats, cats, dogs and pigs that are found in much of its range.
They are what they eat – scarlet ibises feed on crayfish, crabs and aquatic insects which give their plumage the bright red colour.
A macaw’s beak can crack the hardest nut and even crush your finger. Its flexible and scaly tongue contains a bone.
The southern cassowary is the third biggest bird after the ostrich and emu. Compared to the single wattled northern cassowary, it is slightly larger and has two wattles, which hang loosely from its neck.
Known for its melodious calls, the straw-headed bulbul has been hunted to extinction across much of its range in Southeast Asia.
Male and female eclectus parrots look so different that they were once thought to be separate species. Males are predominantly green; females are red or purplish red.
The sun parakeet is green on the wings, scarlet on the breast and golden orange on the head and neck. This brilliant mix of colours is characteristic of their genus Aratinga, a group of “mini-macaws” found predominantly in northeastern Brazil.
The superb starling (Lamprotornis superbus) is a member of the starling family of birds. It was formerly known as Spreo superbus.
Often confused with owls, the nocturnal tawny frogmouth is closely related to night jars. It has a flat, wide beak like a frog’s mouth, hence its common name.