Kuok Group Wings of Asia features over 30 species of avian treasure from the world’s largest continent. Replicating Bali’s tranquil bamboo groves and serene rice terraces, this sanctuary showcases how birds have adapted to live in man-made habitats.
Stately cranes, elegant storks and flamboyant pheasants await you in this tranquil paradise. Relish the opportunity to encounter the rarest spoonbill species — the black-faced spoonbill, and one of the world’s most endangered ducks — the Baer’s pochard.
As one of the world's highest-flying birds, the bar-headed goose has reached a record altitude of over 7,000m. It migrates over the Himalayas, flying from Mongolia to India to escape the harsh winters.
Black-faced spoonbills are the rarest spoonbills and the only species of spoonbill to be classed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
The Milky Stork is classified as endangered, facing significant threats primarily from habitat loss and degradation due to human activities.
Hornbills usually pair for life but for both Stumpy and her current partner, it is love at second sight. Stumpy was one of a pair previously released to the wild. The pair were often seen flying together but one day the male disappeared.
Admire the view from the pavilion over looking the paddy field as you feed the pelicans, storks and many others, with their favourite fishes.
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