Watch our specially curated video guides to discover practical tips and exciting activity ideas for selected exhibits at Bird Paradise! Suitable for preschool and lower primary.
Nature and Animals As Teachers : An Educator’s Guide

Nature and Animals As Teachers : An Educator’s Guide

Child development expert Beth Fredericks reveals how nature-based activities in our parks sparks curiosity, fosters emotional connections, and inspires children to uncover the wonders of wildlife and the world. Discover practical tips and thinking routines that help create valuable learning experiences for your children.

Video Guide – Penguin Cove

Video Guide – Penguin Cove

Penguin Cove, featuring one of the world’s largest sub-Antarctic, cold saltwater penguin habitats, is home to 4 different penguin species. You will find fun activities that encourage children to observe these unique birds on land and in water. Children get to practise their communication and numeracy skills while learning about them.

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