Watch our specially curated video guides to discover practical tips and exciting activity ideas for various exhibits at the Zoo! Suitable for preschool and lower primary.
Nature and Animals As Teachers : An Educator’s Guide

Nature and Animals As Teachers : An Educator’s Guide

Child development expert Beth Fredericks reveals how nature-based activities in our parks sparks curiosity, fosters emotional connections, and inspires children to uncover the wonders of wildlife and the world.

Discover practical tips and thinking routines that help create valuable learning experiences for your children.

Video Guide - Fragile Forest

Video Guide - Fragile Forest

Singapore Zoo

Fragile Forest teems with diverse wildlife from different rainforests.

In this video guide, discover engaging activities that enable children to observe rainforest animals in a safe and an enjoyable way, practise critical thinking skills, and expand their vocabulary!

Video Guide - Wild Africa

Video Guide - Wild Africa

Singapore Zoo

Encounter the world’s tallest and fastest, along with other fascinating animals at Wild Africa.

In this video, discover animal-inspired activities that encourage critical thinking and literacy skills as you and your children explore how the animals eat, move, and look!

Video Guide - Elephants of Asia

Video Guide - Elephants of Asia

Singapore Zoo

Singapore Zoo is home to 5 female Asian elephants, each with a unique personality! Elephants are highly social animals known for interacting and forming strong bonds with their herd members.

Discover fun activities that sharpen observation skills while promoting self-awareness and teamwork among your children.

Video Guide - Reptile Kingdom

Video Guide - Reptile Kingdom

Singapore Zoo

Reptile Kingdom is the ultimate place for discovering diverse types of reptiles.

This video guide features activities that help children hone critical thinking and numeracy skills and connect with the often-misunderstood scaly creatures.

Video Guide - Sustainability in Action (Orangutan Island, Fragile Forest, Fossa Exhibit)

Video Guide - Sustainability in Action (Orangutan Island, Fragile Forest, Fossa Exhibit)

Singapore Zoo

This video guide takes you to three locations in Singapore Zoo to witness sustainability in action and explore how you might encourage children to embrace sustainable living and responsible decision-making.
Video Guide - Rainforest Animals in Danger (Orangutan Island)

Video Guide - Rainforest Animals in Danger (Orangutan Island)

Singapore Zoo

Many rainforest animals are losing their homes because of deforestation.

This video guide helps children understand the challenges these animals face and develop empathy through perspective-taking games that also ignite creativity through role-playing.

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